What Causes Algae in Pool

Algae spores constantly enter the pool from various sources. It could be the wind, pool cleaning tools or even contaminated swimsuits. But what causes algae in pool? When the conditions are favorable for algae growth, an algae bloom can occur in just a few hours. These conditions include the presence of carbon dioxide, phosphates and/or nitrates, sunlight, warm temperatures and out of balance water.

What Causes Algae in Pool

In this post, we’ll discuss the various causes of algae in swimming pools. We’ll cover everything from a lack of good sanitation, filtration and circulation to other factors that contribute to algae growth.

Professional pool servicers say algae are aquatic creatures that multiply rapidly on warm, sunny days. They contain chlorophyll and grow by photosynthesis. They can grow in the sun or shade but most strains of pool algae need some light to thrive.

What Causes Algae in Pool

Like all living organisms, algae need food to survive, and swimming pools typically have a shortage of tasty food for algae. Nearly every windblown speck of dust or contaminant can feed algae. Pools with high levels of dissolved solids or debris provide plenty of nutritious food for algae. Algae will even survive on the dead cellular remains of previous algae blooms.

Algae are always present in swimming pools, even blue and clear pools, albeit at microscopic sizes. Algae will wait patiently for the opportunity to bloom – where the filter or pump is not working correctly, the pool pH level rises or the chlorine level dips.

Types of Algae

Whatever swimming pool depth you have, algae can form within. There are well over 21000 varieties of algae that are often classified by their color.

What Causes Algae in Pool
  • Green algae – This is the most common variety
  • Yellow Algae – also referred to as mustard algae. This variety is often found on the pool’s shady side, clinging to the walls.
  • Black Algae – This variety can be extremely difficult to eradicate due to its protective layers over its top and strong roots.
  • Pink Algae – this variety is a form of bacteria and not really algae at all. It appears as streaks and spots in corners and crevices.

What Problems Can Algae Cause

There are many problems you can have with an inground pool, but you do not want algae to be one of them. The first major problem with algae is that it will discourage people from getting into the pool. You also need to invest time and money to rid your pool completely of algae. Once you have to deal with an algae bloom, future blooms are more likely to occur. As such, you need to take preventative measures to prevent a bloom from occurring and constantly control algae.

While Algae is not necessarily harmful to swimmers, it may be a safe harbor for pathogens such as bacteria. It can also cloud pool water, reducing the depth perception of a diver and making rescue attempts difficult.

Bottom Line

Algae are like weeds in your garden. They’re unwanted, unsightly and they create more work for you by compromising the integrity of your pool. Now that you know what causes algae in pool, you’re better equipped to deal with an algae problem. Overall, make sure you clean your pool regularly to prevent algae from forming. 

How to Find a Leak in a Pool Liner

Don’t know how to find a leak in a pool liner? This will not do. Unless you know how to fix a pool leak yourself, it’s imperative that you know how to find a leak in an inground pool, or else, your pool might lose a great deal of water in less than a weak, and thus increase water bills and weaken your subsoil. You’re surely wondering right now “how can I tell where my pool is leaking if I don’t have the necessary pool leak detection equipment?”; don’t worry: detecting a leak doesn’t require a special tool: just sharp eyes and a nifty trick.

How to Find a Leak in a Pool Liner

There are many benefits to have a pool. So, when you notice a problem, like black stains on the pool liner, it can be annoying. This article will teach you how to find a leak in an inground pool liner and how to fix a pool leak on time. It’s not difficult, but it requires immediate action once you’re sure your pool is leaking; otherwise, worse troubles will arise.

How Can I Tell Where My Pool Is Leaking

It takes a day to confirm the existence of a leak, and all you’ll need is a bucket, painter’s tape and water. This is what you have to do:

How to Find a Leak in a Pool Liner
  1. Fill the bucket with water and place it next to your pool.
  2. Mark the water level in the bucket and in your pool with painter’s tape. Let them sit there for a whole day.
  3. In the next day, measure the difference between the water level and each piece of tape.
  4. If the difference in the pool is greater than the bucket, then your pool has a leak; if the loss isn’t that big, it means that the loss of pool water is due to evaporation.

Now that you know there’s a leak in your pool, it’s time to locate it.

How to Find a Leak in a Pool Liner

There are two places where you can check for any potential leak source:

  1. Check the electrical systems, particularly the conduit lines coming from the pool’s lights. A healthy set of lines are dry; if you notice there’s moisture around, you must call an industry professional to precise location of the leak and repair it (lest you want to get shocked).
  2. Alternatively, check the plumbing system. Turn off the filtration, look around the pipes, fittings and the pump, and check if there’s moisture. If you detect any, it means the leak location is around there. Sometimes it’s just a matter of replacing a pipe to fix the issue, but if you notice the leak originating from the pump, you might need to hire professional services to fix your filtration system.
  3. If your pool doesn’t have electrical conduits or a filtration system, look for the hole with food coloring. How can I tell where my pool is leaking with food coloring, though? Easy. First, get sure that your pool is completely full; afterwards, touch the pool’s floor to see if it’s squishy (this suggests that there’s a leak in the bottom of your liner) and place some drops of food coloring on the water. Now, take a look at the flow of water; once the food coloring is near the leak, you’ll see it flowing out the exact spot where the hole is.

How to Fix a Pool Leak

Once you locate the pool’s leak, try fixing it with a patch first. If it doesn’t work, or if the leak is too big for the patch, then you might need to purchase a vinyl replacement liner immediately to prevent further leak and call for an industry professional’s help for its installation.

Other Questions

Are pool leaks covered by homeowners insurance?

Typically, and unless your leak was caused by a covered peril (let’s say a hurricane or earthquake), no. This is because home insurance doesn’t pay for maintenance damage.

How to Find a Leak in a Pool Liner

Why does my pool lose water overnight?

Remember that pools lose a quarter-inch of water due to evaporation. However, if you noticed that your swimming pool water has lost more than the usual overnight, then it might indicate a leak. You’ll have to refer to our guide in order to alleviate this problem.

Fixing a pool leak is just as important as cleaning a swimming pool. So, answering the question, “how can I tell where my pool is leaking?”, you can use the budget method and compare the water levels overnight to determine if your pool needs repairs, which will be a piece of cake if you know how to fix a pool leak. As you can see, pool leak detection is not a hard task; now that we’ve taught you how to find a leak in an inground pool with the help of our guide, you can do it right away. In fact, now that you know how to find a leak in a pool liner and how to fix it, you’re more than prepared to face this kind of situations.

Black Stains on Vinyl Pool Liner

Pool liners are an important part of the pool. Have you ever noticed black stains on vinyl pool liner? Well, if you have, then you have to recognize the stains which can be associated with different problems. The vinyl pool liners are often protected with special coatings and additives. Thus, they can withdraw some of the extremes from the cold, heat and sunshine. However, there are some ways by which you can solve this problem.

Black Stains on Vinyl Pool Liner 

If you think that vinyl pool liners of highest quality can withstand staining, then you are wrong. Water balance is the key. To know more about the black stains on vinyl swimming pool liners and how to keep your pool clean, read on.

How Does Black Staining Happen?

Black staining can be caused due to many reasons. This can appear on the vinyl pool liners which can originate from different sources. The two main sources of this black stain on the vinyl pool liner are – metal staining and black algae. Depending on the type of stain, you have to try different treatments to rectify the problem.

Metal Staining

Iron, manganese and copper can be introduced into the pool through different water sources that can alter the pH level of the pool. They can form oxides in the pool water with chlorine. This can precipitate out of the solution that can result in staining on the pool liner. These stains can general be gray, black or brown in nature. Copper can also get dissolved from the copper or brass fittings from the plumbing. This can happen when the pH level is less than 7 in your pool water. The metal staining can be confirmed by treating a small portion with the help of pH reducer. This can dissolve the metals. 

Black Algae

This appears as a series of small black spots on the pool liner. They are quite stubborn organisms which come with a coating that can resist the chlorine. These can leave behind black stains on the vinyl pool liners. But you can get rid of this by brushing the algae spots using the nylon brush for opening up the algae coating. Next, you have to test whether the pH level of your water is reduced below 7.2 for improving the effectiveness of the chlorine. 

There is also another type of black or gray colored stain that can occur when a group of dye-producing microorganisms colonize on the back side of the vinyl liner. This microbial dye can be visible on the pool side liner and it can wick through the material of the liner. 

Final Words

So, if you find black stains on vinyl pool liner, these are some of the steps that you have to take clean the black stains on vinyl pool liner. You need to make sure that you are using the right solution to clean the black stains from the pool liner and keeping it completely stainless so that you can enjoy all of the benefits of having a pool. These pool liners are very important and you cannot keep it the way it is with the black stains on it. If you need additional help with pool cleaning, maybe you should look into self cleaning pools to save yourself the hassle.  Moreover, this can destroy the beauty of the pool liner and swimming pool area too.

Inground Pool Problems

Owning an inground pool is fun and exciting, but there are also some problems you can expect. Because taking care of your pool is crucial to preserving the integrity of the pool, it helps to understand some common inground pool problems. Here are some of the most common problems for an inground pool.

Inground Pool Problems

Inground Pool Problems

There are many benefits to having a pool. This article highlights some of the most common issues an in-ground swimming pool owner can experience during the life of the pool. it covers everything from water table issues to pump priming and cracking or chipping of the pool deck.

Water Table

The level of the water table in the ground can have a significant impact on your pool. For instance, a high water table can subject your pool to “floating “in the ground. Maintaining a stable pool water levels helps to prevent the pool from floating up.

pH Balance

The pH balance of your pool water affects the effectiveness of chlorine as well as surface corrosion and the growth of algae. Be sure to check your pool pH and have it balanced weekly.


If the climate in your area has freezing temperatures, it’s wise to winterize your pool. That helps to prepare your pool for winter so that it stays damage-free and clean until the pool is ready for use the next season.

Pump Prime

If your pump pulls air into the system, the pump will likely lose power, or prime, to move water. If the pump is working well, but not moving the water, then it’s likely that the water isn’t being filtered properly. If the water is not moving, the pump can overheat and possibly burn up.

Inground Pool Problems

Proper Filtration

If your pump is primed, the water will be flowing through the filter. Be sure to maintain and clean your filter on a regular basis. The amount of maintenance will usually depend on the type of filter you have in your pool. Back-washing the filter helps to clean the filter of debris and improve the flow of water through the filter.

Energy Consumption from Heating Water

Heating your pool efficiently is determined by several environmental factors. The size of your pool, temperature differences between night and day, amount of shade over the pool, as well as seasonal climate affect your pool’s heating efficiency and ability to reach the desired temperature.

Cracking or Chipping of The Pool Deck

A chipped or cracked pool deck poses danger to pool owners and guests, as well as aesthetic problems. Besides being a potential tripping hazard, a cracked deck could indicate more serious issues such as a sinkhole or ground shifting.

A Leak in The Pool’s Plumbing

If you don’t take care of a leak in the pool plumbing as soon as possible, you could end up with tremendous damage to your property or even rack up a huge water bill. This may also force you to spend more on pool chemicals to keep the water balanced since chemicals will be diluted with new water being pumped into the pool and leaking out with wasted water.

Bottom Line

Always take measures to ensure you and your family are safe when using your pool. If you suspect a problem with your pool, always call a professional to detect and handle the issue. While there are plenty of inground pool problems you can handle on your own, some of them are best left to the pros.

How to Keep a Pool Clean Cheaply

Having a swimming pool at your house is a great thing. But as you might have heard, maintenance can be quite expensive. But there is no reason to worry as there are some really inexpensive yet effective ways to keep your pool well-maintained and clean all the time. So, if you are wondering about how to keep a pool clean cheaply, you are the right place. There is no doubt that having a well-maintained pool is always the best idea. This is healthy as well as it is good for the aesthetic value.

how to keep a pool clean cheaply

How to Keep a Pool Clean Cheaply

So, if you are wondering how you can maintain the pool and keep it clean in the most inexpensive way, we will provide you with the best solutions. Follow these tips to keep the pool clean in the cheapest way possible:

#1: Skim the Debris and Clean the Skimmer

It is very important for you to skim the surface of your pool with the help of standard skimmers that’s on your pool gate. This is the easiest and fastest way to clean the pool water. Floating debris in the pool water can eventually sink. These debris and dust can get accumulated at the bottom of the pool making it even harder to clean. Skimming the pool on a regular basis can keep the pool clean and it can also increase the efficiency of the entire circulation system of your pool. Also clean the skimmer too once you skim the debris out from the pool.

#2: Clean the Filter

No matter what type of filter you have, it is important to clean your filter on a regular basis. Besides that you have to know that each type of filter comes with different set of maintenance and cleaning techniques. You have to make sure to clean the filters so that it keeps on filtering your pool water smoothly and seamlessly.

#3: Check the Pressure Gauge

As a pool owner, you have to ensure that the pressure gauge is working properly. You have to check the pressure gauge once a week. This pressure gauge mainly indicates the force of the flowing water into your system. Though the ideal pressure may vary from one pool to another, it is important to monitor the pressure gauge regularly.

#4: Check the Chlorine Stabilizer Levels

Chlorine stabilizer which is also called cyanuric acid is responsible for protecting the chlorine level of your pool. This can protect the depletion of the chlorine and pH level in your pool water. So, this is one of the best factors of keeping your pool well-maintained and clean. You need to keep a check on the chlorine stabilizer level.

Wrapping it Up

So, this is all about how to keep a pool clean cheaply. All these maintenance tips are super easy and can be done without investing a hefty amount of money. You just need to ensure that the entire filtration system is working properly, besides all the above mentioned four points. These are some of the most effective yet the most inexpensive way of keeping your pool clean and well-maintained all the time so that you can enjoy all of the benefits of a pool. Worst comes to worst, you can look for professionals who will know everything that has to do with pool care.

How to Keep Pool from Freezing in Winter

Wondering on how to keep pool from freezing during winter? It is not a unique problem to you; other pool owners are grappling with the same problem. Unfortunately, we can’t stop the tide of season change; but we can find a solution to the freezing problem. 

How to Keep Pool from Freezing in Winter

How to Keep Pool from Freezing in Winter 

The consequences that come with a frozen pool are usually a nightmare for pool owners. If you have challenges preventing your pool from freezing, you are in the right place. Take a ride with me into finding out how to keep your pool from turning into a ‘rock’ during the cold season. 

When is it Best to Winterize Your Pool?

This is the most effective tip to prevent the damage caused by freezing. Keeping your pool warm will prevent freezing destruction. If you can keep your pool above 32 degrees and at the proper pH, you have nothing to worry about. 

This option can be costly. If you cannot keep up with this option, the best way out would be closing your pool. 

Factors to consider before deciding to winterize your pool or not:

  1. Local Average Winter Temperatures

In some areas, such as the south and west coast, they do not experience harsh winter temperatures. The temperatures rarely go below 40 degrees in these regions. Winter temperatures in the northeast can be extreme; as low as 0 degrees for some days. 

  1. The Cost of Keeping the Heater On

Your heater will have to stay on for longer hours just to keep your pool warm. Electrical and chemical bills can increase rapidly. Consider whether keeping the heater is sustainable. 

You can opt for a pool heat pump. It can help you keep heating costs on the low side because it is energy-efficient. 

  1. The Cost of Keeping the Filter Pump Running

The filter pump keeps the circulation of water longer. The circulation ensures that the pool remains constantly warm. 

 A variable speed pump on low speed is both efficient and affordable. You should invest in one before winter. 

  1. Keep the Heat in With a Solar Pool Cover

You can use a solar cover to retain heat in your swimming pool. Covering your pool works by warming it faster and boosting its ability to retain heat. Therefore, covering prevents unnecessary heat loss.

  1.  Keep the Heater Running for 12 Hours Each Day

It ensures that the temperatures of your pool stay above the freezing point. This, however, depends on where you are. The average time your heater needs to be on may be slightly above or below 12 hours. 

It is wiser to run your heater during the night. This makes it cost-effective because the temperatures typically take a dive during the night. 

  1. Automatically Circulate the Water Using a Freeze Protector

A freeze protector automates water circulation in your pool. This option is effective because you may forget to run your filter pump or pool heater. If you are not home to carry out the tasks, a freeze protector will serve you best. It switches on your pool heater and the pump when the temperatures get closer to the freezing point. 

  1. Running Your Filter Pump for 24 Hours

This prevents freezing of the pipes. It also improves the circulation of water. Therefore, your pool can maintain constant temperatures and can remain clean as it is sitting

How to Protect Your Pool Pump from Freezing

Never give your pool pump the chance to get near the freezing point. As it runs, it also keeps itself warm. 

For one reason or another, the pool ump may freeze. In this case, the best solution would be to remove the drain plug so as to eject pressure from the system. 

How do I protect the pool skimmer?

The pool skimmer is often forgotten during winter. It is made of PVC, therefore, can crack easily if left to freeze. 

Use a skimmer bottle to protect it. Fill an empty bottle to 1/3 antifreeze and put the cap back on. Place the bottle into the skimmer. It works by relieving the pressure build-up in the skimmer. 

Always keep your water level around mid-skimmer. Keep it below the skimmer only if you want to winterize it. Too high or low levels can cause difficulty in circulation and warming up. You sure don’t want that. 

Wrap Up

Knowing how to keep pool from freezing in winter is usually a constant headache for a lot of pool owners. However, with these steps, your nicely designed pool and pool equipment will be safe even in the harshest winter temperatures. Although, if your pool has been sitting for a while, be sure to clean it thoroughly to prevent swimming in a green pool

Proper pH Level for Pool

One of the most critical steps when it comes to pool maintenance is learning how to maintain the chemical balance of your pool water. And that covers everything from the chlorine levels to pH. Getting the pH right helps to ensure you to ensure your pool is fresh and clean.

Proper pH Level for Pool

Proper pH Level for Pool

In this article, we’ll consider some of the ins and outs of testing your pool water and adjusting the pH. All you need is a good test kit and some basic knowledge.

What is pH?

pH is a measure of your pool water’s acidity – and it can affect everything from cleanliness and comfort to corrosion and algae growth depending on the depth of your pool. The pH of your water can also affect the effectiveness of other chemicals such as chlorine in your pool.

The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, where a pH below 7 is acidic and one above 7 is basic. If the pH is 7, then the water is neutral. Ideally, the pH level of your pool should be between 7.2 and 7.6.

A High pH Gives:

A Low pH Gives:

  • Damage to the pool liner
  • Aggressive water, which may damage the pool’s mechanical components.
  • Irritation of the mucous membranes and eyes

Ideally, you’ll need to use either a pH increaser or decreaser to balance water that is outside of the range. For instance, use sodium bisulfate to lower the pH, and sodium carbonate to raise it.

It’s also important to note that your pol chemistry can be affected by factors such as 

  • Whether you have hard or soft water
  • Temperature
  • Heavy rainfall
  • Pool usage
  • High bather load

Unlike traditional chlorine pools, salt chlorine pools are more prone to having a higher pH. And that’s mainly because they have a different chemical makeup. If you have a saltwater pool, therefore, it’s important to keep an eye on the numbers and have a decreaser on hand.

Why pH Balance Matters

Here are some of the main reasons your swimming pool needs to be balanced:

  • It helps chlorine to work effectively. Chlorine has a critical role to play in keeping your pool clean and free of potentially harmful bacteria and germs. For chlorine to work effectively, your pool has to be well balanced. pH levels that are either too high or too low will prevent chlorine from working at optimum efficiency.
  • It makes your pool water easy on the eyes by preventing unsightly algae growth and mineral buildup and also prevents eye irritation.
  • It prevents irritation and corrosion.

Bottom Line

The proper pH level for pool is within the 7.2 to 7.6 range. Anything that enters the pool can affect the PH level. For this reason, it’s important to stay on top of your pools pH level to ensure it stays within the optimal range and follow the proper pool cleaning tips to keep it clean when you’re designing a brand new pool or renovating it. If you are in the market to build a new pool, be sure to reach out to numerous pool builders to get different quotes and make sure you take all of the necessary safety precautions such as installing a pool gate.

Benefits of a Pool

Swimming pools provide a great way to have fun, keep fit, stay healthy and make friends. Swimming is a healthy activity that has a broad array of physical and mental health benefits. When you’re considering whether to install a pool or purchase a home with one, it’s important to consider the benefits of a pool. 

Benefits of a Pool

Benefits of a Pool

Having a backyard pool is a great way to exercise or spend your free time. With a pool builder, you can design a pool to suit your needs. Besides exercise, a pool can benefit you in additional ways, including physical therapy, stress relief, and more. 

Swimming is an Amazing Weight Loss Tool

If the thought of going to the gym or working out on a treadmill is not your cup of tea, you can still lose weight by swimming. Combined with a balanced diet, swimming about four forty-minute sessions a week can help to shed excess weight.

It’s a Great Core Workout

Taking a dip in the pool can be a great core workout. Remember to maintain your pool to keep the water crystal clear. Swimming at your fastest pace and perfectly aligned requires you to engage your core. It may seem tough at the beginning but with more practice, you’ll get the hang of it and you’ll even do it instinctively.

Speeds Up Recovery

As a low impact sport, swimming can help to relieve aches and pains. Because it’s not a weight-bearing workout, the water provides support as you relax, stretch and heal.

Improves Flexibility

Coupled with pilates and yoga, swimming is one of the best sports for promoting flexibility. It stretches and tones those underworked muscles that result from sedentary living, including the back, hamstrings and hips.

Swimming Has No Age Limit

The most amazing thing is that you can take up swimming for the rest of your life. It has no age limit. It has tremendous benefits for both the young and old. Introducing a two-year-old to swimming lessons helps to improve their ability to reach for objects/ their sense of balance. At the same time, swimming is said to gradually ease symptoms of arthritis and improve bone health in older adults.

Boosts Heart Health

Swimming is a total body workout, which makes it one of the best exercises at boosting heart health. The water resistance makes the heart work harder, improving blood flow and circulation as a result.

Relieves Stress

Many people don’t realize that swimming can provide greater stress relief than lounging on the couch watching your favorite TV show. In addition to stimulating your body to release those feel-good hormones, it provides an opportunity for you to clear your mind and unwind.

Bottom Line

Ultimately,  there are many benefits of a pool. If you’re new to swimming, don’t shy away because floaters aren’t just for kids. Swimming can also be an incredible social activity, allowing you to hang out with friends and family to have fun and relax while getting fit at the same time. Remember to service your pool regularly, and make any necessary repairs to keep your pool clean.